Ever seen a live event advertised but haven’t been able to attend due to the lack of available time? Can be frustrating to miss, can't it? Knowing our learners are in a similar position and hungry for your knowledge, as part of our membership promise to them, we want to make sure they have the option to rewatch the most useful live events so they don’t miss out either.

While sharing articles, frameworks, podcasts, 5-minute learnings and other supporting resources is a fantastic way to provide OnDemand support, the lessons you also provide within your Live content are incredibly valuable too.

Converting Live events into OnDemand events can be super simple, so long as you keep to a clear agenda and lay out some ground rules for the event. To help make it even easier, we’ve put a guide together;

We can join these events with you to moderate and support creating the very best content together.

House rules;


How to run;

This is probably something you are already doing, but, keeping a simple agenda to the side for you to follow for recording the learning part of your event can make sure this stays on track and is beneficial not only live but when rewatched multiple times

A very simple agenda we have followed before for an hour-long session;

After these steps have been completed, you can stop your recording, and continue with any live Q&A for the last 10 minutes of your session, so that attendees can gather greater value for attending.

To kickstart engagement in the platform and make it super easy for time-poor learners to access the key takeaways, we would recommend breaking your recording down in a written post: