You’re a specialist in what you do. That’s why you’ve joined other specialists within the Impact Creator Network at WONDR. As such, you have a great opportunity to empathise with your potential members.
View your network as a portal towards validating the most valuable ideas for your content.
Here are some ways you can use social media to get ideas:
💡 When I was looking to be a [Sustainability manager] / [set up my own business] I struggled with inspiration and the correct data to make the business sustainable. It bothered me that I couldn’t start something ethical with the models of business as usual.
I’d had enough - so I explored a new model of business to create the future I wanted. Based on the principles of permaculture and circularity.
💡 [Permaculture] has provided me with a set of tools to guide my decision-making, reflect on my actions and consciously align myself to the fundamental ethics of people care, earth care, and fair shares/future care. [Permaculture] offers a different perspective and way of looking at things that can be used for ethical decision-making and problem-solving.
💡 I’m now developing a Space to share my experience and insight to help [Sustainability managers] / [Founders] to invite businesses of the future. Calling out to everyone working towards [Sustainability managers] / [Founders] or looking to set up your own business, what have been the biggest challenges, frustrations or main outcomes you’re looking for?
💡 What would you like me to cover within the Space that would supercharge you to build the sustainable business you’ve always wanted?
Check out what I’m creating within WONDR below!
[Link to the course page]
The principles of the light bulbs: