Quick cheat-sheet on how to build relationships in a digital live conversation
Starting the call
- Making people feel welcome and safe to ‘ask the stupid questions’ (there are none)
During the call
- Try to bring everyone into the conversation by 15 mins
- Give everyone the etiquette that they can use ‘raise their hand’ during the session
- We’ll set the culture with using the tools ourselves
- Keep introductions to 60-90 seconds
- Helps keep it fair and pushes people to be clear and succinct
- Helps others understand what they do
If a Founder - a good template for them to follow:
- What do you do
- What problem do you solve
- How do you solve it
- If someone’s been quiet, we can DM in the zoom to either
- Community manager DMs them to make sure if there’s anything they want to ask. Or ask us to ask the group
- Or we can give them space to find a way to bring them into the conversation
Ending the call
- Asking people to put in the chat what they want to vote on
- We can setup Typeforms to help the learners vote on this and share back with you easily
- These can shape the relevance of future sessions - the strongest indicator of active usage and repeat turnout
- Example - https://surveys.delighted.com/c/u/lIpPQ5fb
- Sharing a post and any links from the chat into the collaborative space