Meeting Julia

Julia Schetelig is a psychology enthusiast and fervent advocate for human potential.

Driven by a desire to contribute to the social impact sphere while eschewing the pitfalls of White Saviorism and Voluntourism.

Julia experienced a transformative moment while facilitating a leadership conference for young social entrepreneurs in Cambodia. Inspired by their initiatives, she found her niche as a behind-the-scenes champion, whether as a filmmaker, facilitator, coach, or advisor, amplifying the voices of marginalised communities.

Her journey led her through roles supporting organisation and talent development intertwined with social impact initiatives. From the communications team at J&J's Global Community Impact Program to the Peace & Conflict Neuroscience Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, and contributing to KPMG Germany's Employee Mental Health Program during the pandemic, Julia's career trajectory has been marked by a commitment to meaningful change.

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Building collections to inspire and support new leaders

Julia has created a few different spaces to share her world perspective and experience:

With her spaces collectively gaining over 400 views from the network.

Julia shares her content in our schedule and we promote her insights across our social media for additional reach.

If you struggle to use ChatGPT, you might struggle with managing direct reports

If you struggle to use ChatGPT, you might struggle with managing direct reports

Write that gratitude speech. Now.

Write that gratitude speech. Now.