Transformations are new skills, thinking or behaviours that help you do something in the real world. When you’re talking about big topics that impact the world, they can feel hard to touch and too big for learners to grasp.

This leads to vague descriptions of the skills and outcomes you’re offering - that’s bad! ☠️

To you - as an expert - your mind will race with the myriad of topics and options you can talk about. That’s great, but it won’t make you money unless you can get specific.

Your success comes from being hyper-specific around the unique learning opportunity you offer. The moments where you help members upskill or help them progress - are called transformations.

<aside> 💡 Essentially, people will pay for their pains to be resolved. So how well can you describe the specific pain you’re resolving?


This is called the Empathy Stage - where you need to imagine the current mindset of your target learner and ask yourself:

As an Example:

Vague -

Learn how to design businesses that make the world better. Explore all of the components of how a business is designed. In this Space, I’ll walk you through 3 models that will help you think, reflect and change processes that make a difference.

Clearer -

The Systems Thinking Model is perfect for frustrated operational strategists who want to quickly solve problems in their organization. Learn how to build repeatable systems and processes that increase the efficiency of your teams and make communication simple.

The clearer option:

  1. Labelled the tool and framework - the takeaway: ‘The Systems Thinking Model’
  2. Addressed the target audience - ‘frustrated operational strategists’
  3. Highlighted the pain relievers - ‘quickly solve problems, build repeatable systems, increase efficiency, teamwork and communication

<aside> 💡 Remember, People pay to have their pains resolved


Designing content for a Space.

Imagine a series of moments, along a line, that help develop skills or new thinking in each event. As people attend each event, they progress towards the larger transformation. Moments can also include OnDemand content.

A good way to think about this is to envisage the member before the Space (Member A) and what the member will be like after the Space (Member B).